Schedule of Retreats and Daylongs

What might you expect at a Residential Retreat?

What might you expect at a Daylong?

Heather's 2025 Teaching Schedule

Dharma Wheel
DAYLONG Saturday, January 25 from 10am - 3:30pm PT - ONLINE
Topic: Awakened Awareness Reduces Reactivity
DAYLONG Sunday, January 26 from 10am - 3:30pm PT - ONLINE
Topic: Suchness: Understanding Conditions, Responding with Compassion
Friday, February 7 - Sunday, February 9 Long Weekend Retreat for Experienced Practitioners, Hosted by Barre Center for Buddhist Studies - ONLINE
Topic: MahaSati: Introduction to Awareness of Emptiness from the Southern Thai Forest Tradition

** Attending this retreat will allow a person to choose to apply for the 2026-2027 MahaSati Training with Heather after the retreat if they want to. It's also a great retreat for those already in MahaSati Training to have their interested dharma friends attend.

Jhana and Emptiness (10 nights) Retreat Monday, April 21 - Thursday, May 1
Hosted by BCBS, in person, on the land in Barre, MA. Heather and Leigh Brasington will be offering two 90 minute Zoom teachings/guided meditation sessions per day, plus individual practice check in's every 3 days.
DAYLONG Saturday, May 3 from 9:30am - 4:30pm, hosted by Marin Sangha - ONLINE
Title: Taking the One Seat: Choiceless Awareness & Pure Awareness Practices using the 6 Sense Doors
May 16 - May 18 (Friday - Sunday, 3 Full Days) Emptiness Retreat Intensive with Heather and Leigh Brasington - ONLINE
Registration Open April 1st. Please contact Juliana at juliana<at> to register.
Registration closes on May 10th.

** Attending this retreat will allow a person to choose to apply for the 2026-2027 MahaSati Training with Heather after the retreat if they want to. It's also a great retreat for those already in MahaSati Training to have their interested dharma friends attend.

For those currently in MahaSati Trainings: If the retreat grows large in size, groups with Leigh and 1:1's with Heather will not be offered for you during your weekend retreat, in order to leave space for those who do not have regular practice check in support. However, you are still welcome to join the retreat for the practices and teachings offered.

August 1 - 6 (Friday - Wednesday) Retreat on Dependent Origination and Emptiness - ONLINE
With Heather and Leigh Brasington
Topic: Dependent Origination and Emptiness are one, weaving them together in theory and practice

** This small event is for those who are not yet in a MahaSati Training, but are interested in MahaSati practice and/or applying for the MahaSati Training. If you are in a current MahaSati Training, please choose another public event for your 'extra event', thanks!

October 25 - 26 (Saturday - Sunday) Weekend Retreat for Experienced Practitioners - ONLINE
Hosted by Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Topic: Deep Dive into Emptiness and Suchness in theory and practice
December 18 - 23 (Sunday - Saturday) HYBRID RETREAT Spirit Rock Winter Solstice Retreat
Heather will be offering Opening/Closing Programs + Two Check In Groups for ONLINE participants only.
Spirit Rock Winter Solstice Retreat will be held in person, with an online live stream option for those wanting to attend from home.
Meditation instruction and teachings will be offered by Oren Sofer, Dawn Scott, and Devon Hase.

What might you expect at a Residential Retreat?

Attending an annual or biannual insight meditation retreat can be a wonderful support to deepen and enliven your practice. Residential retreats range from 3 – 10 days, and a few retreats are 30 days or more. Retreats are appropriate for both beginning and experienced meditators. A typical daily schedule starts at 6am and ends at 9:30pm, and is spent in silence with alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. To support your practice and learning there are daily meditation instructions, time to ask questions and dharma talks. Every couple of days there is time to meet with the teacher, either individually or in groups. Meals are vegetarian and are prepared with health and nutrition in mind. Being supported by the group, the schedule, the silence, and meditation instruction are helpful for calming the mind, opening the heart, and deepening in insight.

Alternatively, Online Retreats are a wonderful way to deepen your practice at home or a local rented accommadation. Generally, Heather teaches at 9am, 2p, and 4pm Pacific Time. The rest of the time you will be supported to meditate in all 4 posutres, in all acitivites.  Individual check ins are offered to longer retreats, small groups for weekend retreats.  From 2020-2022 Heather has only taught retreats online.

What might you expect at a Daylong?

Attending a monthly daylong provides you with a day of quiet time for yourself amidst your busy life.  Daylongs typically begin at 10am and last until 5pm (until 3pm if Online). Alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation with instruction, dharma talks and discussion allow you to connect more deeply with the teachings and meditation practice.